Friday, November 7, 2008

Melawati walk

so yesterday I went walking with Sue ann, Phraveen, My sis (elise), Daryl and Felicia.... And sue ann asked me to take my camera out to take photos

so we went to find phraveen
and he took quite awhile to come out........

waited and waited then he came out........ As we were walking A, the smart ones (daryl, my sis and felicia) walked fast and decided to talk about college and physics and chemistry or whatever.

so three of us were left

and some photoshop fun.......
this is what phraveen would look like with red hair
And Sue Ann with pink highlights

unfortunately she doesn't have pink hair at all and looks like this....

So we all camwhored and take emo photos at the 'A' playground

I swear phraveen camwhores a lot, check out Sue Ann's blog

then the emo shots

the not so emo

leaving to go find Daryl and the smarties who didn't even bother calling us after we went 'missing'

The totally trashed bus stop which is repaired now

And to top it off...... we went home at 7 something.......

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